Main Event
Ozarks Pridefest 2025 “Homecoming” will be on Saturday, June 14, 2025 on the square in downtown Springfield. Join us for a day of celebrating the diversity and love that makes our LGBTQIA+ family so beautiful!
More info coming soon!
Our History
Ozarks Pridefest, held annually in Springfield, Missouri, is the largest LGBTQIA+ event in Southwest Missouri, attracting over 5,000 attendees and growing annually. The festival celebrates equality, diversity, and community, featuring a parade through downtown Springfield, live music, performances, and a variety of vendors and educational opportunities.
The GLO Center, founded in 1996, is the oldest operating LGBTQIA+ community center in Missouri. Established by local leaders who recognized the need for a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community, the GLO Center formed a committee that supports and organizes Ozarks Pridefest.
Ozarks Pridefest embodies the center’s mission to serve the LGBTQIA+ community through support, resources, education, and advocacy, fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment where all can thrive.
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- Our Pride
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Sponsors & Vendors
Check out the Sponsorship Packages below. If you would like to sponsor or be a vendor, you can learn more and sign up here. If you’re not able to sponsor or have a booth this year, but you would still like to donate, please visit our general donations page.